Thursday, 5 May 2022



Brother Skunk wakes into the morning’s earliest hours, night still perceptibly dark behind the curtains of her room.
Adjacent in the bed, and moving on toward the endgame of her pregnancy ache1 has lately not been sleeping any too well and, now thus disturbed, finds she is wide awake before he himself is fully conscious; groaning, he reaches for the lamp-switch at his side of the bed, and sits himself up a little.
ache1: You okay? Skunk? You dreaming?
Skunk: You were...
Skunk: You were dying and you knew it and you kept saying to me “I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want to leave you.” over and over, and it was just the
wiping quickly at the tears as they spill out and down his cheeks, and then overcome places his face into both hands.
ache1 (not unmoved, but keen to get back to her much-needed sleep): I’m not poorly, I’m pregnant. There’s a difference, cowboy.
with, making its presence felt, her E.T. doll a random lump against her leg.